Episcopal Church recognition

Dear Household of God and Saint Benedict,

Peace and greetings to you.

HOLY SCRIPTURE tells us that “at the appointed time” the Incarnated God made himself known via an angel that Mary had been chosen to bear the Word Incarnate. The challenges it presented were real and, in some cases, would be at odds with conventual norms.

Our Bishop Companion, Bishop Michael, called today with good news of great joy. Our appointed time had come. The Committee on Religious Life of the House of Bishops has made a decision; they gave the House of Initia Nova, OSB, Provisional Recognition with full Recognition coming later. This new model takes a monastic approach to further acknowledgment/recognition. What matters at this point is that we have been recognized, and in time the rest will come.

For those who have journeyed near 10 years with me, it has been a journey of faith and practice. It has had its challenges, but authenticity comes out of faithfulness and wanting to be transformed, finding stability within community and love as a Way to practice obedience.

There are more challenges ahead as we are the point on the spear, dividing the air as it passes on its journey to its destination.

For now, let us rejoice and have a grateful heart for all the goodness God has shown to us.

With love and appreciation for your faithfulness ……. Abba